Angel wiv Attitude

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Seeing as I have slept solidly for the last 4 days I now find myself feeling a whole lot better.

This morning I woke up at 3am wide awake, I got up and read a book for an hour on the couch and found myself dozing so at 4am I pick myself up and go to bed. I'm in bed now and all of a sudden I'm wide awake again.

How can you walk 15metres like a drugged out zombie to being fully alert in 5 seconds - whats the go.

Did I get up and get going for the day? NO I lay there for another 2 hours tossing and turning and trying to get some sleep before I start work.

6am jumped out of bed and went for a walk - I think I overdid it because half way round the block I could hardly breathe, swallow and became quite feverish. How is that one minute you can be so sick and the next you can have a surge of energy - well that was short lived I can tell you.

I heaved my body back home puffing and panting and in need of a pillow and mattress - but I fought off the evil thoughts of having a "Bert Newton" (falling asleep while watching his show) and got ready for a busy day at work.

I've worked a full day, endless requests from clients, staff and well more clients come home to find my burnt offering - send hubby on a quick dash to the supermarket. Organise the children for school the next day by writing notes and getting violins in order, answer a few phone calls, sit down and watch some TV.

I trot off to bed around 9.00pm feeling quite sluggish only to get into bed and it happens again - eyeballs wide open...what I stay in bed till 10.47pm and I have to get up and check my emails and tell the whole world about my disastrous burnt offering.

Morale of this story is....don't sleep for 4 days in a row....


  • At 7:27 AM, Blogger John said…

    Great post Jeannie! I watched the movie "INSOMNIA" a while back and it was scary! So I know how you feel!

  • At 12:46 AM, Blogger Jeannie said…

    I hate scary movies - they definitely can't make me sleep..


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