About Me
- Name: Jeannie
- Location: Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
I am currently working full-time within the Mortgage Management Industry and studying Cert III in Financial Services. I have been married to my handsome husband of 12 years and have two beautiful daughers aged 10 and 7. I am a Pastors Wife and love to sing - I am involved in our Worship Team: singing and worship leading. I am a mad lover of Netball and Australian Football Leage (AFL) and I lurvveee the beach.
At 7:55 AM,
John said…
Wow! This is what I call relaxed running!
At 9:41 AM,
Jeannie said…
She was actually running quite fast but I captured the fotie in slow mo!!!
At 1:09 PM,
Jean said…
What amiracle worker can do lots of things at once.
She is gorgeous
At 2:19 PM,
Jeannie said…
Yeh i'm pretty good aren't I??larf larf - she must get the looks from her mother...
At 11:56 PM,
Johnny said…
They both are good looking kids, and I do see some of 'mother' in her.
At 9:01 AM,
Jeannie said…
Thanks Johnny, my eldest is actually the spitting image of her dad and the youngest - well she is a mix of everyone I think
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