Angel wiv Attitude

Saturday, May 14, 2005


You've always tried to help make everything
right with my world.
You've been there to laugh with me, to be
proud of me, and to be happy for all the good
things in my life. And, maybe even more
importantly, you've shared my disappointments,
and listened as I worked out my thoughts
and feelings about so many things that
troubled me as I was growing up.
You're a very important part of my world,
Dad, so I want to thank you now,
and tell you that I hope everything will
always be right with your world, too...
because I love you.

Happy Birthday


  • At 11:38 AM, Blogger John said…

    Thank you Jeannie, and I love you too!xoxoxox

  • At 8:46 PM, Blogger Jeannie said…

    I hope you enjoyed your day and that it was filled with many special memories...

  • At 2:20 AM, Blogger pete porter said…

    Now I see where your roots are, a Godly man, and a Godly daugther. How beautiful.
    Be Blessed,

  • At 4:13 PM, Blogger Jeannie said…

    Thanks Pete, yes I indeed have come from awesome roots..


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